Monday, September 5, 2011

Written Work

As previously mentioned, every week I was required to report on technological advances, fan chatter, live shows, album reviews, artist website reviews, and anything else relevant to the industry. I decided to publish all of these works in a blog created specifically for my internship call "Hot Child In the City". The writing style I chose is very casual however, the topics are extremely serious making for an entertaining read by my supervisors.  

Hot Child In the City Blog

Excerpt from "Tech Review: Instagram" :

 “...The 1970s called...they want their photo filters back! 
    No but seriously, the iPhone app, Instagram, has made quite a name for itself in the music industry since its launch at the end of 2010 with popular users such as The National, Shiny Toy Guns, and Deftones…just to name a few. Who knew that a photo filter powered by our dad’s side burns and our mom’s wide-leg jeans could produce such a powerful marketing tool? A great aspect of Instagram is that it creates a stream of all the photos posted through the application from Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. Unfortunately, users must have an Instagram account and therefore an iPhone to access the feed, shutting out many fans interested in viewing these wild photo collections. reported on the different ways Instagram has enhanced artist’s online brand from gaining new fans due through viral photos to taking advantage of API and pulling band/fan made content into one central location. Our very own Walk the Moon was even interviewed for this write up saying that posting what might seem “mundane” to the band often times becomes extraordinary to the fans...hence why Instagram has become so successful within the music community... “

**You can read more examples of my assignments by clicking Hot Child In the City

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