Friday, September 9, 2011

Wise Words

Through out the summer, I sat down with every employee in the office and conducted in depth interviews about their professional journeys, received a raw understanding of the industry and established many contacts that I feel comfortable drawing upon later in my career.

I have gathered my my favorite quotes and words of wisdom from some of these interviews.

Will Baber
Branding Partnerships 
"It's a one hundred percent selling job. Money is the ultimate goal. It's about asking the right questions. I’m really good at finding at a common ground by making it seem like it is to there (partner) advantage while it’s to mostly to my advantage."     

Kris Zovich
Tour Marketing & Branding Partnerships 
"Like everyone around here, I love what I do, all the craziness, watching the artists be successful and knowing I had a little part in that."

Kris Zovich
Tour Marketing & Branding Partnerships
"Adobe was the best experience I had and it wasn’t a financial one. Augmented Reality. We saw it in the office and called up Adobe and I said John is on the forefront of technology can you work with him on a music video or something. They paid for it all and we got John into a green screen room and shot it. They paid to host the extra bandwidth on the site but were grateful to be aligned with him. It worked really well…yet no money was exchanged." 

Jonathan Eshack 
Artist Manager
"We have the ability to spell something out for clients…if they have a vision we can help them construct it...Humility because the job entatils so many things. There are plenty shitbowls handed to you below your pay grade. Meticulous, organized, forward thinking, can't crumble under pressure, can't run from things if they aren’t going well...You're the one step removed from the artist, which is the asset. You’re his business arm. Your'e the guy sitting next to John (Mayer) getting the Grammy but when things go wrong you get the phone call.  A good manager can weather the good and bad news and keep its artist away from that because they are emotionally volatile." 

Jonathan Eshack
Artist Manager
"I had to prove that I was worth giving lessons to...Make yourself indispensable. If you perfect the small stuff then you grow. You're not going to get responsibility if you don’t perfect the jobs you’ve been handed to do. You need to understand failure."

Justin Eshack
Artist Manager
"When we evaluate talent (at Mick)…we ask does this fit? Is this is what's happening on pop raidio? It's simply "Is this good"? There is no branding for a label….what is a "Columbia" artist? It’s improtatnt that we protect that here. Artists don’t make intelligent decisions. They respond on feelings and emotions and that’s why they are good at their art. That’s why they don’t ask intelligent questions and you have to do it for them. You’re roster is your resume. Do you respect their careers?"

Justin Eshack
Artist Manager
"No expectations. Be willing to do everything that no one wants to do."

Taking a break from the desk and decorating the conference room chalkboard wall!


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